Mazon | Pinzon | Glen
The areas are located on the orographically left side of the South Tyrolean lowlands [Südtiroler Unterland, Bassa Atesina] in the Trudner Horn Nature Park. The vineyards of Pinzon and Glen belong to the municipality of Montan [Montagna], while Mazon is part of the municipality of Neumarkt [Egna]. The sunrise on this side of the valley is relatively late, resulting in moderate afternoon temperatures - ideal and preferred conditions for the Pinot Noir vines, whose grapes our winery sources from this area.
The areas are located on the orographically left side of the South Tyrolean lowlands [Südtiroler Unterland, Bassa Atesina] in the Trudner Horn Nature Park. The vineyards of Pinzon and Glen belong to the municipality of Montan [Montagna], while Mazon is part of the municipality of Neumarkt [Egna]. The sunrise on this side of the valley is relatively late, resulting in moderate afternoon temperatures - ideal and preferred conditions for the Pinot Noir vines, whose grapes our winery sources from this area.
Mazon | Pinzon | Glen

The foundation for uniqueness
The soil profile of Pinzon and Glen is highly sandy with a high humus content, allowing the vines to develop deep roots to absorb nutrients and moisture. In contrast, Mazon in Neumarkt [Egna] has a higher clay content, with a deeper soil profile.